Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Black Shadow

They who died in the rain of fire were the lucky ones. Rivers of slaves walked or were dragged across the expansive plains towards The Furnace...
1 hr


piza said...

Eric this is somewhat disturbing...I love it

Unknown said...

yeah, once again great use of story. Do you write out the story first then paint, or does the painting create the story?

Anonymous said...

The story came second with this one. Initially, I was going to do an airship over a field, but I liked an ominous form I blocked out so it became something more evil and ambiguous. Then, I felt it needed something more in the field - initially it was going to be farmers looking up, but again I gravitated towards a 'darker' vibe. The 'story' evolved as I drew in more people.

Thanks for the feedback!